A happy new year to all EHS classmates! Good health and good friends are wished for each of you!
From 2022.........
POST REUNION UPDATE! Photos have been added. Please see the "60th Reunion Photos" link in the black column on the left. Susan Hayden Steiner took quite a few photos around the room. Several fun gatherings, good turnout and lots of food. There were even nostalgia tours of the building for those of us who attended junior high in that building.
FRIDAY, 4 p.m +. September 9: Happy Hour, Channel Marker Pub and Grill, 120 West Dayton, Edmonds, just east of the railroad tracks. This is a no-host event, casual catch-up. See you there.
SATURDAY, 5 p.m +., September 10: Reunion party at Edmonds Center for the Arts, 410 Fourth Avenue N (parking lot on north side), Edmonds, WA 98020. Food provided at no cost although we are accepting donations. Bar and soft drinks, no host by the ECA. No outside alcohol allowed per regulation. Visit with classmates and their guests, renew friendships, make plans for future "meet ups". Listen to 60s music.
Sunday, September 11: On your own (breakfast, lunch, beach walk?) but everyone should know this is the date of the annual Edmonds Classic Car and Motorcycle Show, 502 Main St, Edmonds WA, ask Bill Baker about this! Hours for car show: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Need more information:: Contact Jeanne Smart, Cell/Text:
206.920.5915 Looking forward to seeing you all soon!


We had about 50 attendees for the 55th Reunion and we feel everyone had a good time. There was plenty of time and space for visiting and lots of conversations flowing around the room. Pizza from Romeos was delicious, caesar salad aplenty and more than enough wine, beer and water to satisfy this crowd!
We remembered to take a group photo just before the event was over (we were enjoying the party) so this photo includes only about half of the attendees. Please click on the link below to see more photos. Mary Bruce Haunreiter provided a door prize -- a photo album she created from the wonderful photos of the 50th Reunion taken by her photographer son, Kurt. The Memory Book was won by a very pleased Doug Aardahl.
Thanks to Donna Johnstone Hoffman for getting St Albans for us, Karen Purton Wuerch for continuing to monitor expenses and keep us solvent, Jeanne Smart Peterson making sure that beverages were provided and Bev Palmer Black for salad fixings and all the great memorabilia that she was able to get from the school district -- Benny Bengal outfit, school banner, basketball uniform. And Bev also was in touch with a parent booster group who brought Edmonds Tiger Tshirts--a very popular item. Also some Edmonds Woodway shirts. If you want an Edmonds Tiger Shirt (yellow with purple design), contact Emily, a member of the booster group, at 425-345-6204.
More Photos - please go to 55th Reunion Photos

A classmate mentioned that they wanted to contact another classmate but they weren't sure how to do that. You can contact any other classmate who has registered at the website by selecting the "Classmate Profiles" link on the upper left of the Home Page, then select the name of the person in the listing on the page which appears. If you select the person's profile, you can see the details that they have made available and at the bottom of the page is a private message box. The messages will be sent through the website so you can maintain privacy of your email if you wish.
Once you've made contact with the other classmate, you can of course exchange private email addresses if you wish.
If you wish to make a PRIVATE comment to a classmate, you can click on their thumbnail photo. You will then see their Profite page and you can click just under that page photo where it allows for private conversations.
The profiles on this site are readable only by classmates unless you wish them to be public. On your profile page, you can select an option to keep your information only for 1962 Classmates, all EHS alumni or public. This option is available at any time by using the "Edit Profile" link in the left column, and then selecting "Edit" at the top of your Profile page.
Just a reminder regarding Comments:
We encourage use of this website to reacquaint ourselves with our classmates. Remember, however, that comments posted to our Classmate Profiles are readable by all classmates.
If you wish to keep a comment just between you and the other classmate, use the Private Comments option. (Option available on the Classmate's Profile Page. To get there from a comment, click on the classmate photo.) If you are including the name of another classmate, be sure that you are not infringing on their privacy.
Definitions of some terminology used:
• Follow the thread -- the conversations/comments are often linked together in a "thread"
• Text lines "wrap" -- automatic returns when typing. No need to use the return key when typing paragraphs.